A Zero-Waste Wool Mill!


Time marches on!  Pardon my pun!  It has been a wild ride, learning the ropes of all of the mill stuff.  I have very good and capable people to rely on for that.  Some days are diamonds.....I'll leave it at that.  Besides the mill stuff, there's website and accounting stuff, marketing stuff and just stuff!  Sometimes my head is so full of stuff, I just need to take a break from it all and go do something different.  My Fridays now are for felting with the kids at Longfellow School in Bozeman.  I think this is my 9th year there.  I love teaching the kids about sheep, wool and felting and it's a really great creative outlet for me.  

I really thought I would have more time to write blog posts, but stuff gets in the way!  

Here's to warmer temps and lambs frolicking.  Saturday March 3 is shearing day.  Join us, if you like.  2:00 pm after the winter farmer's market at the Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman.  

I'd better get crackin'.


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