Each day in the mill is spent with beautiful fiber. Now, if you're not a fiber person, you may not understand that comment, but if you are, you totally get it! I love knowing a lot of the people whose wool we process and in knowing them, I know the love and care they have for their sheep. It is an honor to know such caring individuals who are carrying on a tradition that is slowly fading away. I feel we are carrying on another such tradition as well.
There are boxes to find homes, bags of wool waiting to be carded and a seemingly endless list of odds and ends I need to complete my day. I reach for things and they aren't there....oh yea, that was in the old mill! Little by little it's all coming together.
Dave and Becky started the mill almost 20 years ago. They have told many stories about how the machines were moved into their antique barn that housed them for so many years. Last night all of the mill workers sat around a table right there in the mill and shared a meal. Good times and lots of laughter were shared along with delicious lamb stew, wild rice and a lovely salad. Dessert treats, including homemade ice cream, cupcakes and caramel corn, a couple of IPAs and some hot tea rounded it all out. It was a great evening amongst the "mill family" in the perfect setting of where those machines have stood for so many years.